Al-Salihi reveals parliamentary movement to amend the salary scale law … Led by the “Sadiqoon”.
13 February 2025
The representative of the Sadiqoon parliamentary, Rafiq Al-Salihi, announced today (Thursday) the continuation of the legislation to amend the new salary scale law for employees, stressing that his bloc supports the lowest-income groups based on the constitution, which emphasizes the necessity of achieving justice among the Iraqi people.
Al-Salihi said, “There are ongoing parliamentary movements regarding amending the salary scale law, indicating that it will achieve social justice”.
He added, “The Al-Sadiqoon parliamentary adopted the issue of amending the new employee salary scale, and the law will be sent to the House of Representatives for discussion and voting”.
He pointed out that “Parliament is keen to achieve justice in the salary scale due to the large differences in employees’ salaries”.